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Qualified Customer Follow-Up
Please fill out this form if our engineers have contacted you and confirmed that your location has qualified for service with StarTouch. If you are making first contact to inquire about service availability, please fill out the initial form found here.
Primary Contact
Secondary Contact
Is the service location a:
Does the building have cement walls? ($85 per hour, 1 hour minimum for wall penetration)
Do you authorize the use of a standard J style antenna mount lag bolted to the building?
Will standard AC power be available at the time of install?
*Wiring will need to terminate inside at an electrical receptacle.
Is there line-of-sight beyond the immediate trees or housing bordering the service location?
**Our equipment will require the clearest line of sight possible to our communication towers. Anything obstructing this sightline causes issues or may deem the location not serviceable.
Is this property owned by a third party?
Are there any restrictions that you or the building owners have regarding the equipment placement? Both interior and exterior.
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